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Ацкие отжиги из Бабруйска
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Поделиться2Mon-11-06 22:13:18
Исчо отжег!
Поделиться4Thu-12-06 13:06:00
на тему бабки
Поделиться5Thu-02-07 17:50:24
могли бы сделать лучше но все равно классно
Поделиться7Wed-03-07 15:57:28
Словарь падонкафф
Адстой (adj., m.) [adstoj]
Misspelling of отстой, which means sediment but has gained the colloquial meaning bullshit, crap (the words carries a notion close to remainder). Sometimes written ацтой, атстой.
Албанский (adj., m.) [albanskij]
Althoughthe initial meaning is “Albanian”, this has come to mean Russianlanguage in general or the present slang in particular. The origin ofthis new meaning is the naive ignorance of an American livejournal userconfronted with a script he could not read (Russian). Eventually he wastold to “learn Albanian” and the sentence учи албанский is now used asan invitation to people making mistakes in Russian or in this jargon.Sometimes written олбанский.
Short for “А пачиму ви спгашиваете?”, which is а почему вы спрашиваете? pronounced with a supposedly Jewish accent.
Афтар (noun, m.) [aftar]
Author,deformation of “автор”. Alternate orthography: аффтар. The author isusually the writer of an internet post (in a blog or on a forum).
• Аффтар жжот [afftar z(z(e"t]:the author rules, one of the highest sign of respect and widely usedappreciative comment. In proper Russian it should read: “авторзажигает” (i.e. the author sets on fire).
• АЖ/КЗ: short for “аффтар жжот, креатифф зачотный” (the author rules, the post is great). Antonym of КГ/АМ (see below).
Acronym for “а хуй/хрен/хер знает”, usually given as an evasive answer with a varying level of rudeness depending on the middle word implied.
Аццкий (adj., m.) [acckij]
Derivedfrom “адский” - hellish. It can convey both the meaning of somethingwhich is good, strong or the opposite meaning of something bad.
Бабруйск [Babrujsk]
Cityin Belarus (Mogilev province), which is written that way in Belarusianbut should be spelt with an o in Russian. For some reason this city, asUryupinsk (Урюпинск), is immensely popular with internet users, most ofwhom have probably never been nor will ever be there. It can be foundin following sentences: В Бабруйск, жывотное!, ф Бабруйск, жывотнайе. The abundant use of Bobruysk could be linked to following text by Ilf and Petrov in their book Золотой Телёнок:
“- Нашли дураков! - Визгливо кричал Паниковский. - Вы мне дайте Среднерусскую возвышенность, тогда я подпишу конвенцию.
- Как? Всю возвышенность? - заявил Балаганов. - А не дать ли тебе еще Мелитополь впридачу? Или Бобруйск?
При слове "Бобруйск" собрание болезненно застонало. Все соглашалисьехать в Бобруйск хоть сейчас. Бобруйск считался прекрасным,высококультурным местом.”.
Баян (subst. m.) [bajan]
Anold hat, i.e. a story which has been told many times before. Used onforums to mention the post is repeating an older one. Alternativespelling: боян, бойан, баянчег. The initial meaning of the word is“accordion ” and it is part of a joke that was published over and overagain on anekdot.ru (Хоронили тёщу, порвали два баяна - we buried the mother in law and ripped apart two accordions, implying great fun in the process). There even is a smiley for this: [:]||||||||||[:] or [:]\/\/\/[:].
Бляпашлифсенахуймудаки [bljapas(lifsjenaxujmudaki]
Expression of exasperation and anger with the users around. Contraction of “бля, пошли все на хуй, мудаки” (damn, go all fuck yourselves, dickheads) which is sometimes shortened as БПФНМ.
б/п [b/p]
Honestly, no kidding. Short for “без пизды”.
Данунах [danunax]
Mark of disbelief, contraction of “да ну на хуй” (well you don’t say... that cannot be).
Днивниг (subst. m.) [dnivnig]
Diary or blog, deformation of “дневник”.
Зачот (subst. m.) [zac(ot]
Formof praise referring to university exams with two possible results -“зачет - не зачет / passed - failed”. Alternative spelling: зачод.
High form of praise for the commented remark. Acronym of “Зи Факинг Бэст”, a transliteration from English (the fucking best).
Russian transliteration of IMHO (in my humble opinion). Sometimes explained as the acronym of “Имею Мнение Хуй Оспоришь” (meaning losely I have an opinion which you cannot contest).
Ипацца [ipacca]
Deformed spelling of “ебаться” (slang verb for intercourse or some tedious activity).
Испацтула [ispactula]
Deformationof “ из под стула ” (from under the chair), implying that the personwriting fell of his chair from laughing. Form of praise for thecomments or posts above.
Йа [ja]
I, phonetic spelling of “я”.
Йад (subst. m.) [jad]
Poison, deformed spelling of “яд”. Usually used in the sentence выпей йаду(drink poison) to underline one’s disagreement with the opinion ofsomebody else (who should therefore rather leave this vale of tearvoluntarily).
Йопта [jopta]
Exclamation of surprise, also written as йопт or йобз. Derived from “ёб твою мать”.
Йух [jux]
South (юг), this word is particularly amusing because it is actually хуй spelt backwards. Gives a second meaning to the harmless sentence “Осенью все птицы улетают на йух” (in Autumn all birds fly south / go to hell).
Dismissive comment on a post, stands for “креатиф гавно, афтар мудак” (the text is bullshit and the author an arse).
Кагдила [kagdila]
Deformation of “как дела?” (How do you do?).
Камент [kament]
Comment, message posted on a blog or a forum as a reply to the lead post. Correct Russian term: “комментарий”.
Криатифф [kriatiff]
Post,message of some supposed or real creative value (poetry,literature...). Derived from “креатив”. Alternate spelling: креатиф,криатиф.
Кросавчег (subst. m.) [krosavc(eg]
Deformationof “красавчик” (handsome man or dandy) usually used as a slightlyironic form of praise. Alternate spelling: кросафчег.
Лытдыбр (subst. m.) [lytdybr]
Russianrendering of the Latin letters that one gets when typing in Cyrillic“дневник” on a Russian/English keyboard with the keyboard toggled toEnglish (i.e. lytdybr).
Медвед [medved]
See “превед”.
Моск [Mosk]
Brain, derived from “мозг”. Also written мосх.
Ниасилил [niasilil]
Icould not read it all, a comment usually posted after long and tediousposts. Deformation of “не осилил”. The reason why a post has not beenread entirely can be explained as follows:
• Ниасилил патамушта многа букаф: I could not read it all - too many letters.
• Ниасилил патамушто вайна и мир: I could not read it because it is as long as war and peace (by L.Tolstoy).
• Ниасилил патамушта стихи: I couldn’t read it because it’s poetry.
Ниибаццо [niibacco]
Introductory request for some kindness or indulgence towards the following comment (don’t get mad right away but...). Also written as ниибадцо.
Патамушта [patamus(ta]
Because (as an answer whithout more explanation). Deformation of “потому что” with a supposedly funny Caucasian accent.
Пелотка (subst. f.) [pelotka]
Female lower naughty bits, by extension women in general. From “пилотка”.
• Пелотка не бритайа: bad, uninteresting (lit. unshaved pussy).
• Пелотка бритайа: good, attractive (shaved pussy).
Песдато [Pesdato]
Good, great, brilliant. Corrupted spelling of “пиздато”.
Пешы ещщо [Pes(y es(c(s(c(o]
Form of praise (“пиши ещё - write more”). Alternate spelling: пеши исчо, пишы ышо, писшы исчо.
Первонах [pervonax]
Dismissive name for users competing to post the first comment in blogs or forums.
Первый нах [pervyj nax]
Typical first comment to any post, underscoring that the author is the first. Probably a contraction of “первый, на хуй” (I’m first, screw you).
Плакалъ [plakal"]
(I)cried - meaning I laughed to tears. Here the deformation is a return topre-revolution spelling with a final ъ (apparently this is also used toconvey the impression of a funny sounding foreign accent). Currentorthography should be “Плакал”.
Превед [preved]
Deformation of привет (“hi”) and most prominent word of this Russian internet slang (known as язык падонков- scumbag talk). The term превед is taken from a watercolor work ofJohn Lurie (Bear Surprise) in which a brown bear shouts “surprise” at acouple having intercourse in the wild. The Russian translation gainedhuge popularity and the bear is now the icon of this slang. Thesentence превед медвед is rather popular and a greeting between speakers/writers of the jargon. The corresponding smilies, symbolising the bear, are: Y, \o/.
Ржунимагу [rz(unimagu]
Sign of amused appreciation, deformation of “ржу - не могу” (I cannot stop myself from laughing).
Рулить [rulit’]
Torule (from English), to be the best. Usually the verb is used in itsEnglish form for the third person singular (“аффтар рулз”) but inRussian for plural (“падонки рулят”). The verb рулить exists instandard Russian and means to taxi (e.g. a plane on the runway).
Сотона [sotona]
Derivedfrom “сатана” (Satan), this word has a positive meaning, it implies adevilishly good individual. In a comment, it can be strengthened withthe adjective аццкий. Аффтар — аццкей соттона! - the author is a hell of good one.
Ужос (noun, m.) [uz(os]
Sign of thrilling surprise, from “ужас”.
Урюпинск [urjupinsk]
Russiancity of the Volgograd Region, which name is widely used as a synonymfor deepest province, untouched by modern times (some people evenignore it is a real city and think of it as a fictional place). Itspopularity is comparable only to that of Bobruysk.
Учаснег (subst. m.) [uc(asneg]
Participant, derived from “участник”.
Фигассе [Figassje]
Show of incredulity. Short for “ни фига себе”, it can sometimes be written фигасе.
Фотожоп(а) [fotoz(op(a)]
Ironical nickname of Photoshop (жопа - ass).
Фпесту [fpestu]
Deformation of “в пизду”.
Фтему [ftemu]
Form of praise and approval, deformation of “в тему”.
Хуяссе [xujasse]
Sign of surprise, contraction of “ни хуя себе”.
Поделиться8Tue-10-07 15:17:04
"Писарь возжигаше!!"
"учи старОсловенской!"
"В Козельск, зверюго!!"
"Летопись не читаше, но бояре глаголют - не лепо!"
"Писарь - адской диавол!"
"Писарь - пий отраву!"
"Писарь, строчи пуще, ибо зачтется."
"А кто допрежь да понеже - суть содомиты поганые."
"Сие творение смердит, а писарь охальник."
"Буквицы сии зело многочисленны, при том тяжек труд разбирать."
"Занесть в летописи!"
"Зело забавлявше, через то сверзише с седалища под трапезу."
"Мочи нет боле, ибо псалом!"
"Во полымя!"
"Первейший бысть, и с отроковицей не возлежал!" (первонах, и нии...)
"Благодарствую, порукоблудил"
"Главою бил о сруб светлицы "
"Возхохотамше под лавкою"
Поделиться9Wed-12-07 00:52:18
Истоки сленга:
В.Г.Сорокин :: Человек, родившийся и выросший в России, не любит своей природы? Не понимает ее красоты? Ее заливных лугов? Утреннего леса? Бескрайних полей? Ночных трелей соловья? Осеннего листопада? Первой пороши? Июльского сенокоса? Степных просторов? Русской песни? Русского характера? Ведь ты же русский? Ты родился в России? Ты ходил в среднюю школу? Ты служил в армии? Ты учился в техникуме? Ты работал на заводе? Ты ездил в Бобруйск? Ездил в Бобруйск? В Бобруйск ездил? Ездил, а? Ты в Бобруйск ездил, а? Ездил? Чего молчишь? В Бобруйск ездил? А? Чего косишь? А? Заело, да? Ездил в Бобруйск? Ты, хуй? В Бобруйск ездил? Ездил, падло? Ездил, гад? Ездил, падло? Ездил, бля? Ездил, бля? Ездил, бля? Чего заныл? Ездил, сука? Ездил, бля? Ездил, бля? Ездил, бля? Чего ноешь? Чего сопишь, падло? Чего, а? Заныл? Заныл, падло? Чего сопишь? Так, бля? Так, бля? Так вот? Вот? Вот? Вот? Вот, бля? Вот так? Вот так? Вот так? Вот так, бля? На, бля? На, бля? На, бля? Вот? Вот? Вот? Вот? На, бля? На, сука? На, бля? На, сука? На, бля? На, сука? Заныл, бля? Заело, бля? ]